Slab Leaks Weaken Your Summit Home
dynamic_sidebar('Content Top'); ?>The concrete slab foundation of your summit home is meant to last but it can quickly develop problems if a plumbing leak occurs. Leak detection service is the only way to pinpoint where the leak is without digging up the foundation.
A concrete slab is strong, sturdy, and is a solid foundation upon which your home is built. The walls and roof of your home depend on this solid structure for support and strength. Plumbing leaks can weaken the slab.
Not all slab leaks are detected by the homeowner. Leaks underneath the foundation may never be discovered until the home ends its life or become so weakened that the structures finally makes the problem evident. If water bills suddenly spikes but no sign of leaking is present, call our Summit plumbers at Wieronski Plumbing & Heating, Inc. for leak detection services.
You can tell you may have a slab leak if there are large wet areas near your foundation or more obviously when the foundation itself looks darker in a certain area.
How Plumbing Leaks From Under The Foundation
Plumbing systems are sunken in the concrete slab as your home is being built. When they experience a leak underneath or in the foundation, it is sure to damage the structure of the slab –making it weak and vulnerable. Much damage can also occur to the home if the leak occurs where it will cause indoor flooding.
Slab leaks form due to a number of conditions. Among them is corrosive soil content. Your ground soil could hold chemicals from various sources that corrode the concrete foundation. The primary culprit of corrosive chemicals that can infect your soil is from corroding plumbing pipes. Once the pipes corrode, they will soon rust and leak. The corrosion can work itself into the foundation.
Another reason your pipes can leak into your foundation is if they rub or vibrate against the concrete. Eventually, the joints are likely to break and leaking will occur.
Too much built up pressure can also cause pipes to leak under your slab. Earthquakes or poor construction, crushing or creasing, all can contribute to a buildup of pressure that can cause massive leaks.
Foundation Leaks Can Cause Erosion
The problem with slab leaks is that once they build enough water underneath the slab, the soil will get washed away and your foundation can get completely destroyed. Of course, since the foundation is the strong structure that holds up the rest of your home, then your entire home could be in jeopardy.
Ensuring that your pipes are properly insulated can help some cases of foundation leaks. Leak detection can be done for your by plumbing companies like ours here at Wieronski Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
Who To Call For Leak Detection & Slab Leaks In Summit
If you see any reason that you may have a slab leak, including cracks along walls (means your foundation may have shifted), water pools or puddles, discolored areas of your foundation, or any other issue, call us soon. You don’t want to wait for the problem to get worse.
Be sure to give your insurance carrier a call as well because the issue may be covered under your homeowner’s hazard insurance policy. Then give us a call and Wieronski Plumbing & Heating, Inc. for leak detection and repair.
More Tips on Plumbing Repair (slab leak detection, slab leak repair, slab leaks)